Our multidisciplinary group has a great interest in building new collaborations. We actively collaborate with researchers, groups, Institutes and Faculties across The Universtity of Queensland (IMB, CAI, QMR...) as well as external academic and industrial partners.
We are excited to start new collaborations, discuss our technology and to provide research-quantity samples, and expertise in our biomimetic matrix hydrogels, to be used in conjunction with your specific research questions.
For any enquiries, please contact:
Alan Rowan (alan.rowan [at] uq.edu.au)
Nicholas Westra van Holthe (n.westravanholthe [at] uq.edu.au)
Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN)
Building 75, Cnr College and Cooper Roads
The University of Queensland
St Lucia 4072